“Songs of My Soul” is a one womon performance piece and tribute honoring the beginning of the women’s music movement and celebrating 40 years of women’s community. From the personal to the fictional character, Jori acts out the soundtrack of her life with songs and lyrics that weave together a timeline of coming of age, relationships, breakups, spirituality, activism, and a deep reverence for all things “Changed”.
Jori Costello has been performing music since the age of 14. Her acting debut starts before that as Jolly the elf in her school’s 5th grade holiday production. She’s been pining away for an acting career ever since. Best known for her work in the band, Big Bad Gina, Jori continues to do solo projects and collaborates with chakra rocker, Ginger Doss, as well as Angela “Oxygen” Edge, in their funky, punky duo, “Jorian Oxygen”. Singer, songwriter, musician and school bus driver, Jori gives much credit to festivals, summer camp, workshops, and her many years working crew as main sources of inspiration for much of her life.