SISTAH NGOMA ~ Drum, Dance and Song
A dynamic women’s multicultural drum, song, and dance group, performing traditional Afro-Cuban and world beat rhythms, poetic verse, dance, and plain ‘ol pulsating female passion and energy. Sistah Ngoma’s performances include the National Women’s music festival in Madison WI, and at Ball State University in Muncie, IN, Dennison University in Grandville, OH, the Community Festival and the Hot Times Festival in Columbus, OH., and the “Women’s Day of Prayer” at the Franklin Park Conservatory, Columbus, OH, Rocking in the Streets, Columbus, OH, and the River City Blues Festival, Marietta, OH.
Sistah Ngoma members:
Joyce Maurer, Helene Roussi, Kristin Cardwell, Victoria Frye, Rani Biffle-Quimba, Jori Costello, B. Wahru Cleveland.