Women in the Arts/National Women’s Music Festival, Inc.
Board of Directors Application
Thank you for your interest in serving as a member of the nonprofit working Board of the Women in the Arts National Women’s Music Festival, Inc. As a working Board, we are tasked with not only making the decisions for the direction and sustainability of the nonprofit, but also carrying out the decisions we make in a sound and ethical manner. It is a rewarding experience and we are looking for others who share our passion for our mission and our values.
This application will be kept confidential and in our secure online files. Applications are used by the Board to identify and evaluate potential Board candidates for a vote to accept to the Board. All new Board members are then ratified by a majority vote of the Membership at the Annual Meeting of the Members. Board Officers are elected by members of the current Board after the Annual Meeting.
For more information about Board Expectations, Terms and other Questions, please email the Board President at wianwmf.president@gmail.com