Jewelle: A Just Vision – Director: Madeleine Lim. 62 min.
From Black Power in late-60s Boston, to AIDS activism in mid-80s New York, to Marriage Equality in early-10s San Francisco, this film focuses a joyful and hope-filled spotlight on Jewelle Gomez – an Ioway and Wampanoag, African American and Cape Verdean, femme lesbian and award-winning novelist, playwright, essayist, poet, and journalist.
The all-star cast features Dorothy Allison, author of Bastard Out of Carolina; Ajuan Mance, professor of African American literature; Brian Freeman, playwright and co-founder of Afro Pomo Homos; Cheryl Clarke, poet and former Rutgers University professor; Crystal Jang, co-founder of Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women and Transgender Community; Jennifer DeVere Brody, Stanford University professor of Theater & Performance Studies; Katherine Acey, Executive Director Emerita of the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice; Kim Shuck, San Francisco Poet Laureate and Cherokee artist; Nancy Bereano, founder of Firebrand Books; and Troy Rockett, artist and actor.
JEWELLE: A Just Vision is an intimate portrayal that drinks deeply from a life of art and activism, and anchors Jewelle’s personal struggles at the confluence of social movements, to gift humanity with fierce hope.